Headshot of Renell Weathers



  • To begin advocating for change.

  • To identify who has the power to make the change.

  • To determine the strategies and tactics needed to achieve it.

I want to inspire and help people activate their unique power to achieve the policy changes they deserve.


  • • Program Development

    • Advocacy Strategies

    • Customized Advocacy Plan

  • • Guidance on issue alignment and strategies

    • Speaking effectively with legislators and other decision-makers

    • Crafting your message

    • Preparing for legislative hearings

  • • Identify Priority Issues

    • Engage Authentic Voices

    • Build & Strengthen Advocacy Skills

About Renell

Renell has over 17 years experience in public policy and helping organizations navigate the legislative and political landscape. As the first Community Engagement Director for the Michigan League for Public Policy, she worked with organizations nationally and throughout the state to increase their knowledge of state and local processes to advance policy goals. Renell is motivated by the belief that each of us has a role to play for the betterment of our community. 

Renell is a former Senior District Representative for the 7th Congressional District where she collaborated with a diverse array of community leaders, agencies, grassroots organizations and local units of government. She also served as Constituent Relations Director and District Representative for the Office of Michigan Senate Minority Leader, has managed a nonprofit that provided programs for youth and families, and owned and operated a child care program. 

Renell was awarded the Community Faithfulness Award from Spring Arbor University and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Service Award from Jackson College for recognition of her community service. She currently serves on three boards in Jackson County: the Jackson Community Foundation where she’s board chair, the Gainey School of Business Advisory Council and the Lily Missions Center. 

Renell is a graduate of the Leadership Institute for State-based Advocates through the Annie E. Casey Foundation and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Spring Arbor University. Renell’s career has been devoted to improving the results for communities by equipping community organizations with the tools to activate their power. 

Renell and her husband, Frank resided in Detroit for many years and now live in Jackson County. Their two daughters graduated from Jackson High School and are proud graduates of Michigan universities. The new loves of her life are her two grandsons, Xavier and Zion. They are the source of her passion to help communities become places where all thrive.


Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.